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Daikanyama Tsutaya, Tokyo



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'Tagging' -Shikisoku Generation-

Sold Out

Zine, 2014
Edition of 100
Pigment Print
Plain Paper
Hand Bound 
Soft Cover
36 pages
20.4 x 14.2 x 0.5 cm


今回のテーマはグラフィティの「タギング」です。「縄張り誇示に用いられたサイン」という意味を拡張して、人間や自然の痕跡に注目しています。写真行為 を通して、身体性を伴う思索活動、複製とオーバーラップ(情報や歴史、記憶などの意味を含む事象の積み重なり/古い事象が新しい事象に次々に覆われて行く度に、事象そのものの意味が刷新され変容していくこと)などについて考察しています。


Paradise Lost #3

Sold Out

Zine, 2013
Edition of 100
Color Print (Xerox photocopy)
Traditional Wax Paper / Craft Paper
Hand Bound 
46 pages
25.0 x 17.5 x 0.7 cm

iii. Eden

I was walking in the snowshoes towards the cliff of Shiretoko peninsula in hope of seeing the landscape of the Ragged Edge. The peninsula is located northeastern end of Japan, and is at the eastern edge of the north island called Hokkaido. By the time finally I have reached at the land’s end by plowing fresh snow, all I could see was some slight symptoms of lives which are dotted about the white field. Apart from that, there was only endlessly spreading iceberg field floating on the Okhotsk sea in the background. Standing alone in the middle of vast whiteness, I was sensitively feeling the crystal of driving snow hitting my cheek and the blood circulation through the body that has been kept warm by heavy winter clothing, The breath was warm as if it was crystallized instantly in the frozen air. The dead zone was right in front of me and there made me realized that only vital memory and some kind of positive hope remains in my brain at the critical situation like this.

While I was pursuing the work of my homeland Hokkaido through the photography, I discovered “the death already there” within the natural environment of the severe winter. In other word, it is the extreme environment incorporated in a part of the daily life, which does not allow humans to survive any longer without protection. At the same time, it was a kind of a view of nature based on a quiet sense of relief at the root of the richness and tenderness cultivated by accepting its unusual daily life over and over again. Even having a shelter fully equipped heating plant called “home”, severe winter is still there out of the door and it’s needless to say that people in Hokkaido have attained such a sense. Without exception, we as humans live in the contemporary society are living while being protected by the shelter called society. It’s a happy thing to have a protection forever but we must be aware of losing sense of crisis by lowering of immune strength not only from the nature but the immunity against the overwhelming reality, such as disaster and war. This may lead to promote the blindness of the people to leave society go by interest or desire in the name of the public opinion supported by media or by those in power, and you will be realized facing at various unique form of unnatural phenomenon at the end. Our society would be collapsed and be weeded out by natural selection if our vision of the future is going too far from the form of the way it should be in natural. We cannot forget that our lives are kept alive in nature and science or technology will never be able to handle the whole universe. I noticed people who live in an environment such as Hokkaido have more humility and sharp awareness for the crisis naturally.

As I wondered if there is a key to find an opportunity leading us to hope and richness in the sense of “the death already there”, I considered to analyze this phenomenon and establish this idea within my work. The chaotic world can be definable as a consistent natural state ruled by absolute law of equilibrium at the same time. Everything exist while maintaining a balance with the event of conflicting opposite matters in the repetition of occurring and disappearing. If an inseparable factor of such a sense could shatter the absolute equilibrium and providing any results in a non-computable result as creation, I considered that it might be possible to grasp the changing or beginning of the new discovery even in the limitation of the absolute realm of so-called daily life. By overviewing these phenomena, I thought we could perceive current saturated chaotic world more accurately.

If our perceptive recognition is shaped by our memory based on our experiences, then hopes and ideas obtained from the sense of “the death already there” or those from the new environment such as a “non-ordinariness” associated with natural phenomena will be a new sense of value such as ideas and inspiration that is not bound by the context of the past. There is no limit to the free-thinking. However as we are selfish living organisms based on self-defense instinct, I thought inducing these natural phenomena by making it into the other form could promote exceeding the constraints of instinctively thought assuming species preservation. To organize a society, it is quite necessary to obtain a principle by analysis and information. But none of a principle learned by experiencing things comes above. It’s not a difficult thing to listen to the nature to have a better understanding what is the essential. You may find a way to the paradise at such a mindset and surely it will guide you the right path forever. As if it’s a star in the northern sky.

Takeo Yamada
2012 Tokyo

iii. 楽園について

最果ての風景を見てみたいという想いのもと、私はスノーシューを履いて知床岬の岸壁を目 指していた。新雪をラッセルして行き着いた先には、雪原に残る生命の痕跡と、オホーツク 海に浮かぶ氷原が広がっていた。保温された体内を巡る血液と、まるで瞬時に結晶化する かのような温かい吐息を感じながら、自分の脚で戻らなければ確実に死ぬであろう現実を目 の当たりにした。その時脳内に残る残留物は、本当に必要な記憶と希望だけだった。

私は故郷である北海道の作品を、写真行為を通して追求していく中で、厳冬の自然環境の 中に「既にそこにある死」を発見した。それは、保護するものなしには生きることができない、 日常の一部に組み込まれた極限の環境のことである。またそれは、北海道に住むすべての 人々が、暖房設備の整った「家」というシェルターを手に入れてもなお、冬を越えるという特 別な日常を繰り返す中で持ち合わせた、心の優しさや豊かさの根本にある静かな安堵感を 誘発する自然観であった。現代社会に生きる私たちは、例外なく社会というシェルターに保 護されて生きている。安全なシェルターの中で守られ続けることは幸せなことであるが、同 時に自然だけではなく、戦争や災害のような圧倒的な現実に対する免疫力が薄れ、大衆や 権力者による欲望や利害によって社会が赴くままに流されてしまうという危険性も同時に孕 んでいる。この一般意思や集合無意識が作る社会の未来と、誰もが抱く希望や理想といっ た幸せな未来、もしくは自然にあるべき姿との距離感が開きすぎると、我々の社会は破綻し、 自然に淘汰されてしまうことだろう。どれほど科学技術が発達しても、我々人類は自然の中 に生かされているのだ、という大切な事実を忘れることはできない。何かに支えられて私た ちは生きている、という無自覚な謙虚さは、北海道のような地域に住む人々の特有の精神性 なのではないかと思うのだ。

私は、仮に「既にそこにある死」が豊かさや希望へと繋がるきっかけになる可能性があるの だとしたら、この現象を解析し、写真作品の中で成立させてみようと考えた。混沌とした世 界は、同時に均衡という絶対法則が成立する整合性のとれた自然状態でもある。すべての 事象は、起こり、また消滅するという繰り返しの中で、相反する対局の事象と均衡を保ちな がら存在している。世界構造の中のフラクタルが、絶対的均衡を打ち破り計算不可能な結 果をもたらす不可分因子だとするならば、新しい物事のはじまりもしくは変革は、日常によ る限定という絶対領域の時間の中で、このフラクタルを無意識的に体感することで把握でき るのではないか。こうした現象を俯瞰することで、混沌とした飽和状態である現在をより正確 に知覚できるはずだと考えたのだ。

私たちが知覚できる物事の認識が経験に基づく記憶によって形作られるのだとするならば、 既にそこにある死、または非日常のような新しい環境から得られる発想や希望は、自然現象 に伴うフラクタル的不可分因子、つまりインスピレーションや発想といった、過去の文脈に捉 われない新しい価値観である。自由な発想に限界はない。しかし、自己防衛本能に基づく利 己的な生命である私たちが、種の保存を前提に持ちあわせた本能的思考の拘束を超えるた めには、こうした自然現象を誘発させるのが近道なのではないかと思ったのだ。情報や分析 から得られる経験則は社会を作るために必要なことであるが、本当に大切なことを忘れない ために、改めて自然の言葉に耳を傾けてみることは難しくはない。もしもそこで、それぞれの 楽園への答えを見つけられたのならば、それはきっといつまでも私たちに進むべき方向を指し示し続けてくれるはずだろう。北の空に浮かぶ星のように。




Paradise Lost #2

Sold Out

Zine, 2011
Edition of 100
Color Print (Xerox photocopy)
Traditional Wax Paper / Craft Paper
Hand Bound 
46 pages
25.0 x 17.5 x 0.7 cm

ii. Tree of Life

Leaving the mountain pastures for the coastline, taking the highway from the peninsula to the farm road on this northern island of the Far East, I headed toward the lakeside with my car. During this journey I found traces of human settlements spread across the vast nature of eastern Hokkaido, a scenery which was familiar to me from birth. When I was photographing the ruins there entangled with moss buds and grass sprouting and fallen trees rotting by natures hand, or even the eroded artifacts, my perception changed and I could see what appeared to be the equivalent value, that all events lost to time were equal and equally meaningless. A simple question of what defines a human being appears and disappears on the border of natural and man-made things, and eventually this left me thinking I should create them into a form.

Sephiroth is the tree of life planted in the center of the Garden of Eden in Genesis of the Old Testament. In the Jewish tradition, it is said to give everlasting life equal to God by eating the fruit. The tree of life appears in the story of Adam and Eve who attained wisdom by eating the fruit of knowledge after which God worried they would eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and so were expelled from the garden. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, human beings discovered nuclear energy quickly, within just a quarter of a century, and in the small time since then we've left a radioactive footprint on the earth that can not be erased again through an astronomical number of years. Development of technology and large scale production due to industrialization resulted in a strange natural environment created by human-intervention and the evolution of civilization is now year by year accelerated.

But now the democracy and politics that governs planetary scale industrialization does not work well, and also people, confused in their focus by too much information results in society becoming more and more chaotic. The divergence between stable past and chaotic future result from the pursuit of convenience supported by temporary technologies while the vision of the ideal is gradually revealed. When you stand at the crossoroads, it is precisely this time when one must review by going back to the starting point. This is, or probably was, the world we have been asking for all along. This is finally truly the "future". No person seeks unhappiness from birth. But in the real world one may experience the environment and obtain a negative result, conflict and strife will not simply go away. In human society, it is often moving by seeking an equilibrium state of passion turned towards the pursuit of the ideal. And I can not help but be inspired by the delusion that every person be released from all restraint to survive in any form they wish. And not dependent on individualism in any way, eventually exclusivity would disappear and create utopia.

For humans, living without hope is difficult, yet paradoxically having hope separates us from the natural order of animals. To find left behind artifacts made by human intention, or traces of any man who sought utopia, presents an experience much like the essence of hope itself. To make alterations to these memories creates a form of nature that is deformed. When I am looking at these traces in the landscape they draw me towards the origin of experience; that all is part of nature both the pure and the deformed. The commonality between these perspectives is an eternal state of quiescence. In other words it is a pattern of nature that leads to death, and also we could see such death as inhibiting these traces of human hope. Hope is the essence of being human and yet it pushes humans forward beyond their current hopeful state. I conclude hope is a force outside the boundaries of thought and in reality is the human itself.

Takeo Yamada
2011 Tokyo

ii. 生命の樹

半島の国道から農道へ、海岸線から山間部の牧草地を抜けて湖畔へ向かう。広大な道東 の自然の中をくまなくまわっていると、いつも見慣れていたはずの自然の中に人間の痕跡 を見つけた。そこにある廃墟や残留物を写真に納めていると、自然の力によって朽ちた倒 木や浸食される人工物、そしてそれらのなかで芽生える草の芽や苔が、まるで等価値なも ののように見えてきて、色々な意味を失っていった。果たして人間とは何なのかといった素 朴な疑問が、人工物と自然の境界線に現れては消え、やがてそれを形として残してみたい という思いが残った。

セフィロトとは旧約聖書の創世記でエデンの園の中央に植えられた生命の樹のことである。 ユダヤ伝承ではこの木の実を食べると神と等しい永遠の命を得ると言われており、創世記 の中では、知恵の樹の実を食べて知恵をつけてしまった人間が、生命の樹の実も食べてし まうことを恐れた神によって楽園を追放されたという、アダムとイブの物語に登場する。産業 革命以降、私たち人類はわずか四半世紀程度で原子力を発見し、放射能汚染によって地 球環境に天文学的年数を経なければ消えることのない足跡を残してしまった。工業化による 大規模生産とテクノロジーの発達は人間の意思が介入した奇妙な自然環境をもたらし、文明 の進化は年々加速するばかりである。しかし現在、それを統治する政治や民主主義はうまく 機能せず、民衆もまた、溢れる情報によって正確な物事の選別に困惑し、社会は更に混沌 としつつある。毎日の技術発展や利便性の追求の結果から辿り着く未来と、本来理想とする はずの未来像との乖離が徐々に開きつつある現在。岐路に立つ時こそ、一度原点に立ち返っ て見直すべき時期である。果たしてこれが、今まで私たちが求めてきた世界だったのだろう か。私たちが今生きている世界と、その未来のために。

生まれながらにして不幸を求めている人などいない。しかし環境や経験がネガティブな結果 を生むこともある現実社会の中で、争いや葛藤はなくならない。人間社会は、すべてを思い 通りにしたいと願う欲望と、理想を追い求める情熱の均衡状態にある。そして、決して一人だ けでは存続できないはずなのに、あらゆる拘束から解放されたいと願う妄想を抱かずにはい られない。理想郷は決して個人的なものではなく、排他的な個人主義はいずれ消滅してしま うだろう。

私たち人間は、希望をなくしてしまうと生きることが難しく、それが故に動物や他の生命体と異 なる所以でもある。ここに見られる人工物は、人間による何らかの意思や、希望に似た理想郷 を求めた人間の痕跡であったり、何らかの目的のために手を加えられ、変形された自然の姿 である。こうした痕跡を発見する度に、変形した自然やありのままの自然、或いはその両方が、 全ては自然の一部なのだといういう原点に私を引き戻す。そこに共通するのは、永遠の静止状 態、つまり「死」へと向かう自然の姿であり、またそれを少し阻害したところに見るのが人間の痕 跡である。希望は人間の本質であり、また同時に人間を押し進める原動力だが、その原動力こそが人間なのだと私は思う。



 silentrevolution home


Sold Out

Zine, 2011
Edition of 100
Color Print
Traditional Japanese Paper
Hand Bound
62 pages
29.7 x 42.0 x 0.8 cm

This book will be published in an edition of 100. 74 of which are numbered and signed by Takeo Yamada and 26 have been assigned letters from A to Z and include an original print signed by the artist. Sold Out


We are receiving our lives from the sea, and existing on this planet since thousands of years. Most living things are organized by water, and so countless lives prosper because of the sea on our mother earth.

Blue is the color of the water. It is the color of reflected sky, the most looked at color by humans in the natural world. Therefore, it was not a color that gathered much attention in ancient times. Although, it was sometimes used in metaphor to show another world or reflection of death. Since the Renaissance, blue has become a symbol of hope, peace, and the intellect through artists' images of the sea and water. The changing characteristics of this color seem to symbolize Japan after a disaster in which life and death intermixed in the demand of a paradigm shift.

On March 11th of 2011, a huge tsunami caused by a massive quake hit the North Eastern Japanese coast taking more than 25,000 honorable lives. At this time nature caused such unimaginable damage it forced many questions on our contemporary technological society. We were made to notice that convenient living, thought to be as usual and consist, is actually based on a very fragile system, and food, general merchandise, energy, natural resources, and life itself are things we take for granted, but for all of us is this not a matter of course? There is something we can all learn from what is happening in Japan.

Through this Blue work, I intended to create for you a conscious manifestation of the chaotic progression from our very origins by stimulating the continuous flow of ideas and feelings that constitute an individual's consciousness released from the debris of ordinary memory. However, it is not necessary that the observer experiences feelings as I have intended. If you do not feel anything, just let it go. It is important to recognize the purity of what comes into your mind, as living itself is simply the work of moving through feelings continuously. It is necessary for us to be liberated from restraint to make a space for love.

I wish all the world to be released from any sorrow and I wish you all love and peace.

March 31, 2011 In Tokyo

Takeo Yamada


   2011年3月11日、大地震による大津波が東日本を襲い、2万人を超える尊 い命を奪い去った。その自然の脅威は誰も予期できないほどの被害をもたらし、 現代社会に様々な疑問を投げかけた。当前のように思っていた便利な暮らしが、 実はとても脆いシステムの上で成り立っていて、この生活を支えるために、見え ないところでたくさんの人たちにリスクを負担してもらっていること。食物や生活 用品、エネルギー、資源はもとより、命があることそのものが当然ではないのだ という現実に、改めて直面している。この出来事から、我々ひとりひとりが学び、 できることはたくさんあるだろう。

 私はこの青色の作品を通して、意識上に浮かび上がる様々なイメージを消化 することで日常的な記憶の断片から解放され、混沌とした現在を我々の起源よ り正視できる時間ができることを意図して制作した。この作品から特別な何かを 感じ取ろうとする努力などは全く必要ない。大切なのは心の中に浮かび上がる 純粋な何かであり、生きること自体はそれを消化して前に進み続けることでしか ないのだ。


2011年3月31日 東京にて




Paradise Lost #1

Sold Out

Zine, 2010
Edition of 100
Color Print (Xerox photocopy)
Traditional Wax Paper / Craft Paper
Hand Bound 
36 pages
25.0 x 17.5 x 0.5 cm

i. East of eden

"Lungta" means "wind horse" in Tibetan. The wind horse is an allegory in shamanistic traditions of Central Asia, symbolizing the cardinal directions and used to represent the idea of well-being or good fortune. In Tibetan Buddhism, the Lungta is printed on prayer flags which flutter in the wind representing the wind horse carrying prayers to heaven. This photograph collection is the first in the "Paradise lost" series; showing horses from the tundra of Eastern Hokkaido Japan.

The horses of Nemuro are descendants of a selective breeding program made national policy during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and carried on until 1945. The program's aim was to produce the strongest and most fit war horse by breeding the native Hokkaido pony with heavier bloodlines such as the Percheron. When they became unnecessary at the end of the war, they were put to use cultivating farmland and when they became unnecessary to farmers, by the mechanization of agriculture, they were useless for food production and their population went into decline. Nowadays, small herds of these war horses can be found on the Nemuro peninsula.

Here we can see a copy of the original perfect horse Lungta now unnaturally modified for war, living out life under harsh weather conditions and dependent on humans who no longer need them. It seems hopeless, yet to experience a moment of communication with this beautiful but strangely abandoned creature is to understand hope, for their very existence is benevolence, none of it calculated, merely a natural impulse to go on living. In the epic "Paradise Lost", John Milton says "The World was all before them, where to choose; Their place of rest, and Providence their guide: ". The appearance of these earth bound horses that accept all in providence though stranded in the desolate Far East without reason, are but a soft echo of the Appearance of Adam and Eve, who after leaving paradise found hope just East of Eden.

It is said horses can read the human heart. In this simple relationship we find the basis for a powerful meditation. If a person synchronizes with the horses pure reflection, and begins exploring the eternal prayer, a moment appears when one is liberated from subjectivity and so the self may harmonize with nature. If somewhere greater than Eden could exist in this world perhaps you could find it in such a moment.

Takeo Yamada
2010 Tokyo

i. エデンの東

ルンタとは、チベット語で「風の馬」。風に乗って祈りが広がるよう祈祷旗に願いを込めて描かれた馬のことである。北海道の根室半島に生息する馬のルーツを探っていると、彼らが日清・日露戦争時代に、国策によって北海道の在来馬と大型馬のペルシュロンなどを掛け合わせ、最強の軍馬育成を目指して改良された馬たちの末裔だという事実 に辿り着いた。終戦により不要となった彼らは農耕馬となり、その後農作業の機械化により食肉用として利用されるに至ったが、彼らの需要があまりなくなったこともあり、現在は挽馬(ばんば)として北海道競馬で見られる馬のほか、根室半島付近に半ば野生化して放置された彼らの姿を残すのみとなっているという。


馬は人間の心を読むという。そこにはある種の精神的媒介としての素養が見受けられる。馬と人間との悠久の交感に思いを巡らせながら、馬が内包する安らぎと純粋さに身を委ねる時、そこには主体性から解放され、自意識が自然と融和していく時間が表れるはずである。私たちが理想に描くエデンの園よりもさらに幸福な場所が見つかるとしたら、 そのような時間から生まれるのかも知れない。




Anthology for the exhibition "Requiem pour Afghanistan"

Sold Out

Poetry in Japanese Text by Takeo Yamada.
Paper Back, 2008
Edition of 1,000
Offset Print
78 pages
15.7 x 12.2 x 0.6 cm

studio bluemoon tokyo